Sunday, December 30, 2012

Style from Fashion Week: Spring 2013

       Tidak terasa kita sudah berada di penghujung tahun, tinggal menghitung hari bahkan menghitung jam untuk bertemu dengan tahun 2013. Sebelum menginjak tahun 2013 kita harus mengetahui trend apa yang akan menjadi “Hot Trend” di tahun tersebut. Penampilan dan gaya berbusana yang baru dari brand-brand ternama sudah ditampilkan di Runaway tetapi masih ada spring trend 2012 yang masih akan berlanjut ke tahun 2013 seperti floral dan line. Berikut adalah ulasan mengenai Fashion Week Runaway.

Warna-warna diatas ini adalah warna yang akan menjadi spring trend 2013. Warna pastel masih tetap menjadi trend dan warna-warna yang soft mendominasi di 2013.

Salah satu model baju yang akan menjadi trend 2013 adalah crop tops.

Trend Motif bergaris (line) masih akan berlanjut ke tahun 2013. Motif bergaris memang sangat menarik dan simple tapi jika anda salah memilih dapat membuat efek badan anda lebih gemuk. Jika badan anda gemuk hidari motif garis horizontal karena akan membuat badan anda terlihat lebih lebar, gunakan lah motif bergaris vertical karena akan membuat anda terlihat lebih kurus.

Selain motif bergaris, motif floral juga masih akan menjadi spring trend 2013. Motif floral akan memberikan kesegaran bagi musim panas anda. Padukan baju bermotif floral dengan warna yang cerah karena akan membuat anda terlihat segar. Motif floral bisa membuat anda terlihat segar, ceria bahkan bisa membuat anda terlihat elegan, tergantung dari warna dan motif floral yang ditunjukan.

     Di Runaway Paris Fashion Week, banyak pakaian dari designer-designer ternama yang sangat menonjol namun di antara itu semua terdapat sisi lain, ada beberapa designer yang gagal mempertemukan ekspektasi masyarakat dengan baju rancangannya.
     Model baju yang menjadi "Hits" adalah rancangan dari Veronique Branquinho, Gareth Pugh dan Lanvin. Dibawah ini adalah komentar mengenai rancangan designer tersebut.
Veronique Branquinho, Gareth Pugh dan Lanvin

Veronique Branquinho

"She killed it. It's extremely provocative... loving the armbands and the warmth in the tones." [Luckyme]

"Thrilled to have her back! My God this is so classy, and elegant, and sensual. Swooning hard over the way she styled it with those gorgeous gold armbands [rad!] and the ladylike, gladiator flats. Great color palette, that shimmery nude is so sexy when offset with the forest green. The fabrics are gorgeous, even the knits are sexy and have great movement. Brilliant!" [HeatherAnne]

"There are no words other than stunning. This woman does it like no one. This is how you do pleating, gold, embellishments, minimalism, evening wear, slits, tailoring, outerwear, belting... in short this is how you do a collection. This might just be the best collection of the season, if you ask me." [StoneSkipper]

Gareth Pugh

"While it isn't my style and i'm usually not a huge fan of Gareth Pugh I'm really admiring this! Great cuts! Great styling as well! Awesome how this is so modern and yet so... beautiful. One of the best collections seen for Spring/Summer 2013 so far!" [RedandNavy]

"What? Gareth can actually do wearable? A quite pleasant, well executed surprose." [Lena]

"A goth girl's wet dream. Possibly one from the 90s." [Morphe]

"I want to marry this collection and have lots of babies in it. I think this describes how much I love it and how much I would wear it. I'm really not into red clothing but I would rock those total-red outfits." [EstefaniaAbaddon]


"Here's the true testament to Alber Elbaz's talent - even when he's doing safe, wearable clothes, he can still dazzle with his embellishing, structuring, and draping and create one of the best collections of the season. Now, isn't that amazing?" [StoneSkipper]

"I could blab on and on about why I love this, but I fear I won't be able to shut up. PERFECTION, end of story." [HeatherAnne]

"I always seem to love when Alber does something that's a bit aggressive and more streamlined, and this is no exception. i'm not totally sold on the colored pieces towards the end, but everything else is really working for me. Even the jewelry, which is extremely atypical for Lanvin, is working for me. Something about the energy just says 'speed'...' [Spike]

"What Alber does is evolution, not revolution, and the differences are subtle - but nonetheless real. I appreciate that he has the confidence to continue to do what's right and appropriate for the house. And I love the color." [fashionista-ta]

     Dan ini adalah komentar-komentar mengenai pakaian hasil designer yang"gagal" yaitu Anthony Vaccarello, Alexis Mabille dan Balmain.

Anthony Vaccarello, Alexis Mabille dan Balmain
Anthony Vaccarello

"Tacky, tacky, tacky, as usual. This wannabe Azzedine Alaia guy is stuck in his 80s bad body-con aesthetic. Some of the fabrics are nice though, except the really kitsch ones he used in the end of collection." [ILoveDiorHomme]

"Is he actually that clueless to think that dresses are his strongest points, when in reality he barely knows how to construct a dress? I mean, look at that closing dress. That can't even be qualified as a monstrosity because it cannot be qualified as dress. it's fabric slapped onto the model's body, pure and simply. I also detest how he insists on folded skirts and bare midriffs. Those are iffy ideas to begin with, and his poor execution just kills the whole thing... I would like him so much more if he just truly what he's good at." [StoneSkipper]

"Bleh. He's so terrible. So one note - and it's not even a note anybody really needs to be listening to. He's all smoke and mirrors. it seems like he thinks the more straps and seams and ties he adds to a short little dress the 'cooler' it will be." [dior_couture1245]

Alexis Mabille

"Poor Alexis, he tries way too hard with his clothes and can really show how ugly some dresses can be." [GERGIN]

"Wow. Very ill fitted and sloppy!" [PerfectTonight]

"He just can't get it right, can he?" [StoneSkipper]


"All I can think of is MC Hammer." [arkasha]

"This feels as if 90s Gieanni Versace slapped me in the face... Neither liking the excessive 'power shoulders' nor the harlequin print." [Heroin_Chic]

"My grandmother had a chair in her conservatory [that looked just like the rear view of one of those jackets]. That which looks ugly as old ladies garden furniture is best not resuscitated as clothing which, presumably, is intended to be modern. Astounding workmanship but atrocious eye. Way too fussy, chintzy, like an old ladies interior." [Tentacl Ventricl]

by Antika Ramadhani (ar)

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